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Table 1 Bone regeneration rate of Group 1 and Group 2

From: Effects of rhBMP-2 with various carriers on maxillofacial bone regeneration through computed tomography evaluation


Bone regeneration rate

p value

Group 1 (n = 53)

Group 2 (n = 59)

Mean (sd)

66.3 (12.3)

57.8 (17.6)


Median (IQR)

65.2 (61.9 to 70.6)

57.3 (45.8 to 69.2)

  1. The bone regeneration rate in the experimental group using rhBMP-2 (Group 1) was significantly higher compared to the control group without rhBMP-2 (Group 2)
  2. p value from Mann–Whitney U test. Group 1, use rhBMP-2; Group 2, no use rhBMP-2. IQR Q1 to Q3
  3. *p < 0.05
  4. **p < 0.01