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Table 1 Model-relevant landmarks, planes, distances, and indicators

From: Qualitative correlation between postoperatively increased vertical dimension and mandibular position in skeletal class III using partial-least-square path modeling




 B point (B)

Innermost curvature from chin to alveolar bone junction

 Menton (Me)

Lowest point on symphysis of mandible

 Pogonion (Pog)

Most anterior point on contour of chin

 A point (A)

Innermost curvature from maxillary anterior nasal spine to crest of maxillary alveolar process

 Coronoid process (Cp)

Tip of coronoid process


 Frankfurt-horizontal (FH) plane

Plane formed by right Po and both sides of Or

 Midsagittal reference (MSR) plane

Perpendicular to FH plane and passing through Na and Ba

 S-perpendicular plane (S-perp)

Perpendicular to FH and MSR planes and passing through Sella


 B point to S-perp (Bs)

Distance from B point to S-perpendicular plane

 Menton to S-perp (Mes)

Distance from menton to S-perpendicular plane

 Pogonion to FH plane (Pogf)

Distance from pogonion to FH plane

 A point to S-perp (As)

Distance from A point to S-perpendicular plane

 Coronoid process to FH plane (Cpf)

Distance from tip of coronoid process to FH plane

 Occlusal vertical distance (VD)

Distance from mesial contact of upper 1st molar to that of lower 1st molar


 Final setback of B point \( \left({\mathrm{B}}_{20}^{\mathrm{s}}\right) \)

Bs changes from T 0 to T 2, combined effects of surgery and orthodontic treatment over presurgical (T 0) to posttreatment period (T 2)

 Surgical setback of B point \( \left({\mathrm{B}}_{10}^{\mathrm{s}}\right) \)

Bs changes from T 0 to T 1, surgical effects measured over presurgical (T 0) to postsurgical period (T 1)

 Surgical setback of menton \( \left({\mathrm{Me}}_{10}^{\mathrm{s}}\right) \)

Mes changes from T 0 to T 1, surgical effects measured over presurgical (T 0) to postsurgical period (T 1)

 Surgical upward movement of pogonion \( \left({\mathrm{Pog}}_{10}^{\mathrm{f}}\right) \)

Pogf changes from T 0 to T 1, surgical effects measured over presurgical (T 0) to postsurgical period (T 1)

 Postsurgical horizontal position of A point \( \left({\mathrm{A}}_1^{\mathrm{s}}\right) \)

Distance from A point to S-perpendicular plane measured at T 1

 Postsurgical vertical position of coronoid process \( \left({\mathrm{Cp}}_1^{\mathrm{f}}\right) \)

Distance from tip of coronoid process to FH plane measured at T 1