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Table 1 Calculation of DCE doses for a mouse to achieve equivalence with human adults

From: In vivo protein expression changes in mouse livers treated with dialyzed coffee extract as determined by IP-HPLC


Ordinary coffee extract

Dialyzed coffee extract (DCE)

Caffeine concentration

120 mg/150 mL

60 mg/150 mL

Dialysis coefficient



One cup for a human adult (60 kg, 59.4 L)

150 mL

300 mL (DCE-1)

DCE-1 to 30 g mouse


0.15 mL

DCE-2.5 to 30 g mouse


0.375 mL

DCE-5 to 30 g mouse


0.75 mL

DCE-10 to 30 g mouse


1.5 mL